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Pamela Sofola


Pamela Sofola is a Certified Public Accountant and has a Masters in Financial Management, she has worked in the accounting field for over 23 years.  Her work experience involves both the public and private sector, including working at the World Bank for 16 years. While at the World Bank she traveled to many countries in Africa to assess the adequacy of the World Bank’s borrower’ s project financial management systems including budgeting, policies and procedures, internal controls, financial reporting and auditing as well as to assess their ability to manage and monitor World Bank financed projects. She also provided training, guidance and advice to project staff on capacity building in projects.  Pamela is an active member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Maryland Society of CPA’s.  Pamela’s passion to continue the mission of the World Bank to alleviate poverty around the world sparked her interest to be involved in the Foundation for special surgery. She currently serves as the Director of Development for the foundation.

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